Heliconia 3, an Oil Painting on Canvas by Linda Amundsen

Giclees on Paper Available

12" x 16" - $75
11" x 14" - $60
18" x 24" - $150
18" x 18" - $120

Captivating Discovery, an Oil Painting on Canvas by Linda AmundsenMy oil paintings are inspired from sketches and photos taken during travels through Europe and the United States.  Using elements of composition, design and color, my goal has been to develop a body of work that explores the beauty  in natural settings.  I paint images that catch my  eye, images that capture a moment not seen before.

Employing strong elements of form, design and color, artist Linda Amundsen creates dramatic compositions from natural settings.


image at left "Captivating Discovery"

image at right "Heliconia 3"